Up your game by “purchasing” the coolest gadgets and highest-quality chow! You can read up on each cat and take pictures of them being pixelatedly adorable. Cats will wander in and out of the yard as they please (because cats). This game is absolutely wonderful because it involves CATS! Everyone starts out with a yard that you can then fill with toys and treats. Every time I catch myself thinking “jeeze, I’m SO awful at meditating,” the app will reply “and if you think you’re bad at meditating, there’s no such thing.” How’s THAT for an awesome way to combat stress AND self-criticism? I love this app more than others like Headspace because I swear it can read my mind. The app will walk you through meditation specifically for stress, and there’s no experience required. The premium content comes at a cost, but there are lots of shorter meditation practices (10 minutes) that are free. OK, so Calm is not really a game-it’s a meditation app. My research comes from personal experience and sites like Gizmodo and Mic. These are all free game apps that I find helpful when in a pinch.
While it’s usually smart to address the issues at the root of your stress/anxiety, sometimes we all just need a quick way to relax and calm down. Stress and anxiety suck, big time, and they always seem to strike hardest when you need to be at your best.